Tim Phillips Studio Recommended
Expand Your Mind, Move Your Body, Ignite Creativity
Great Actors Focus on the Whole Picture
Training, Practice, & Tools for Creativity, Voice, Mind, Heart & Body

Tim Phillips
Audition & Actor Training
Start with the best. Clear, specific, and unavoidable. You at your best, on stage & screen. Who loves ya?
Tim Phillips Studio has a history of assistants and long term students being teachers as well.
While there are many wonderful teachers to recommend, those under the Tim Phillips umbrella are specifically dedicated to developing the innate curiosity, intuition, and deductive reasoning of students into ownership of their personal craft - rather than fitting actors and artists into a one size fits all methodology.
Each of the following have made a lowered price available to Tim Phillips Studio actors during the pandemic.
Zillah has been documenting, assisting, teacher training, website building, and practice coaching for Tim Phillips Studio since early 2013. She adheres to his quote: "There is nothing that can be taught you can't learn by doing." She values excellence, access, and empowerment.
Practice & tape with Zillah
As needed, one on one
30 mins, $20 per person
60 mins, $35 per person
Sunday Practice, 6 actors, 1:30-3pm Eastern, $25

Social Media For Actors
Learn best practices in 1 hour group settings & then go deeper with private planning sessions.
George is behind the often inspirational, lighthearted, and powerful postings on Tim Phillips Studio Southeast Instagram. He is an actor and a motivational fitness coach who brings that ethic to everything he does.
Work with George
In 2 Hour Workshops
Only $50/person
Voice & Vocal Production
30 years of success with actors, business leaders, and singers. Optimize the original social media - your voice.
The combination of working actor, singer, and Speaking Skills Master Coach makes for a great dynamic, and Linda is deeply invested in your personal mastery.
Join Linda on
Thursdays June 11-July 2
from 2-3:30pm Eastern Time
4 week Class Cycles, Drop-ins or Package available
Up to 10 participants, Only $50 per session
Use Code TimPhillips2020 to log into the hidden page
Cari Moskow
Mindfulness Yoga
A relaxed heart, mind, and body are critically important to your wellbeing and career. Join Cari's yoga sessions for greater health.
Cari Moskow is an actress, yoga teacher, and breast cancer survivor. In NYC around 2008, an acting teacher recommended yoga to Cari as a tool to connect with her voice and physical presence.
Join Cari every week on
Tuesdays, Wednesdays and /or Thursdays
from 12pm-12:45pm
Monthly memberships available for only $60​
Let Cari know you study with Tim.
Elizabeth Mozer
Movement For Actors
Join teacher, dancer, director, deviser, and solo show creator Elizabeth M. in whole body explorations of physical space & motion.
Elizabeth specializes in embodied art of acting, somatic approaches to actor training, devising and performance, physical theatre, movement, creating and directing original theatre - both collaborative ensemble and solo works, the Meisner technique, on-camera auditioning and acting, theatre pedagogy and cross-disciplinary exchange.
Join Elizabeth every week on